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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Energize me

I have always been a fan of the law of attraction. "What you think is what you are". In my study of the law of attraction, a friend introduced me to chakras, which are the energy our body produces. For a while, I was really into studying and using them to my best knowledge. It did become difficult at times, but for as simple as it was, I kept trying.

When I came back to the church and started applying the gospel into my life, my law of attraction, and chakra studies became small and dusty. Although I would say, for the most part, I do still believe they are true. I do know that from my experiences, using positive thinking, brings positive happenings. As for the energy of chakras, yes I do believe we have an energy source within us. However, I am not 100% on the entirety of it being chakras. Just because I only know the surface of them, I don't know a whole lot about them.

With the Gospel of Jesus Christ, law of attraction, and chakra energy, I know amazing things can come about from using all 3 of them in ones life. Someday I would really like to write a book on how those 3 things can bring a positive influence into ones life.

There have been quite a few fire outbreaks here in Utah. It has been getting scary. There was one from a few days ago that looked like a volcano had exploded! It was close to my uncles house, who just so happens to be in europe right now. So with it being close to his house, that's when it started getting close to home. ( no pun intended) so throughout the past weeks, in church , at family gatherings, and all over Facebook, there have been countless prayers asking the lord for rain to put the fires out. The weather outlook said "mostly cloudy, lightening storms, slight chance of rain. " So as it was getting closer to these storms, I could feel the energy of the world praying positively for rain. Today, I looked out the window and noticed a downpour had started, and is still going!!

I have rejoiced, knowing that this is no coincidence. I may sound crazy, and I'm sure some scientist could come up with a theory as to why the rain percentage has increased so much within 24 hours, but I believe this is the work of many people uniting in positive thinking, and many prayerful thoughts. Most of all, I know the Lord is mindful of his children, he does watch out for us. He knows when we need him desperately. He also works with us when we unite as one in a positive way.


  1. you said, "Someday I would really like to write a book on how those 3 things can bring a positive influence into ones life." You are so gifted with words that I have no doubt it can be done. I would like an autographed copy when you do.

  2. haha Thank you so much for the comments! When I do get a book, I will for sure send you and autographed copy! :D
