

Thoughts are much appreciated!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Perfect world.

In a perfect world...

We would all be free of financial obligations.
No one would draw lines of whose right, and whose wrong.
Peace and love and happiness would no longer be just a saying.
The sun would shine all day, the stars would glow all night.

In a perfect world....

Religion wouldnt be the answer, because there would be no wrong.
Everyone would accept everyone for who they are, and love unconditionally.
Wealth would be more popular.
Not a single soul would go to bed hungry.

In a perfect world...

Money would be the last thing on everyone's mind.
Loving the same sex would be accepted, because love, is love.
The latest trends would go unnoticed because we would all be perfect, in a perfect world.
Being perfect wouldnt mean to have botox, a hot tan, or a big label on your clothing.

In a perfect world...

We would all get a long.
Guns would sit on the shelf gathering dust.
The air would be clean, and plants would live.
Families would have their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers home, because they are not needed for war.