

Thoughts are much appreciated!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

For once the focus is on: ME

Dear, You know who you are, I am not who I use to be. I have changed my life from when you knew me. I am not that person. You may think of me in such way, don't. Forget that person. That person is gone, they have been shed. I am a newer, better, more reformed person. I am a beautiful daughter of a Heavenly King. I am not innocent, I have learned. I am not perfect, nor to I intend on being. I have moved toward great works. I have decided that for once, I put the focus on ME. I am no longer surrounded around you. I no longer think about you the way you think I do.
I do not expect you in my life anymore, for you have walked away. I cannot change the things that have happened, but i can change my outlook on life. You are still living in this world where you think I am still trying to be in, well I am not. You can let that idea go, because I'm gone. Im done trying to fix things. Im done trying to make it better. I'm done focusing on you.
Because you are no longer in my life, i have seen things more clearly. I can breath. I know my future will be better, it will be free, free from you. This is my final "goodbye" although there is nothing to wish upon a goodness of saying bye to you. Farewell, only because i believe in karma.
May the wind be in your face, so sand will get in places you never knew existed. The sun in your eyes, so you will squint and get wrinkles faster. And May the rain fall upon your nicely kept suit, just because i think that would be funny. I wish a farewell upon your departure. My heart releases all of everything you meant to me, only to make room for someone who deserves it. I hope the door smashes your head on the way out, maybe it will pop it back to a normal humble size. Sincerely, The girl you never had, and will never see.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

D&C 39:7-9

I have been thinking about blogging lately. I usually have these ideas pop up in my head, and i say, "That would be a good thing to blog about" and then i continue on with my day. So i do have the intention of blogging more, my time just puts a little pause on that intent. Oh boy!!! I am a new and improved woman!! I went through the Draper temple yesterday, to receive my endowments! YES! It happened, and i couldn't be happier. I feel like my entire life has finally landed on the right path. I have always loved the Church, the Gospel has been a roller coaster in my life though. I had to find out for myself if the Gospel was true. I can now say with a profound solid stance in my heart and mind that The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints IS the TRUE gospel that was restored by Joseph Smith. I know that God has a marvelous work and glory in store for me. Because of the choices i made yesterday, i can feel the love of my Savior in my heart. I know that i am on the right path to receiving the benefits of living my life according to the doctrines of God. I have never felt the spirit of my Heavenly father so strongly before. There is no doubt in my mind that i will be in the Celestial Kingdom with my friends and family. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the bind needed on the books of life. There cannot be a single book that holds together without a binding. And adding the Gospel to ones life will do that, it is a Binding agent that can be applied and will hold a life together. It has taken me a while to figure this out, but now that i have, i feel free! There have been many people in my life that have thrown doubts at me, they have said i would never make it. They have even warned others of who i was. There is one thing i can tell you from that, I am no longer THAT person. I have become a better, stronger, more spiritual Sarah. I cannot change the choices i have made in my past. I choose to live in the future and to move forward with faith. I keep my testimony close to me, i keep it strong too. If there is a soul out there who needs to hear it, i will tell it. I will not lower myself to help someone who thinks they are better than me. I have come to realize that I need to stop trying to figure out my future. I am like that little kid on christmas who tries to find all the presents. Of which, i have actually done, it ended in disappointment because i knew what i was getting, so it was no longer fun. I am not saying that if i knew what my future held, it would not be fun...but if i knew, there would be no point in being here on earth. I cannot control what happens to me, but i can control where i go. I know that as long as i am going in the right direction, Heavenly Father will bless my life with what happens to me.

The title of this post has to do with what happened to me on Sunday, during sacrament. I was sitting there, and usually i just stare at the backs of peoples heads and think about what i would do to make it look better, but this time..i whipped out my phone and selected the scriptures D&C. I slid my finger up and down the screen a few times, fast enough that i couldn't see what the chapters were, then i just hit the screen with my finger and this was the chapter i landed on.

Cool huh?! Another sure sign, that this is the true Gospel!!!