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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Letting my freedom ring.

I am a 23 year old female. I have lived through the ever expanding technology of Computers, and science. I have seen the beauty of the Mountains surround my state, from the comfort of my home nestled in the suburbs of Salt Lake city. I have been able to go to a public school, choose what classes i would like to take, and enjoy attending many school activities. I was also allowed to wear whatever i wanted, to school. I didn't have to fear for my life while walking to school, or take an extra route to avoid a certain part of town. I admit, my school wasn't Top Notch. We rarely made high rankings in our sports. I was lucky enough to go to school though, and so i am Grateful. In the 5 years after being out of public school i have explored my surroundings through choosing whichever job i wanted. I have had the opportunity to choose whichever lifestyle i want. I have seen the best of things, and the worse. I have been able to choose whichever food i feel like eating. I haven't been restricted, or scolded for what i have chosen to do. For all of that, I am Grateful. I have been able to try and attend College, 3 of them to be exact. Not all of them have worked out like i had hoped for, but i was able to CHOOSE to go. I am lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to find my talents in the beauty industry now. For that, i am Grateful. I am not perfect. I am not rich. I won't boast about how hard I've had to work for my money, or boast about what my job does for this country. I am an American. I have been given the opportunity to do whatever i feel like doing. Say, whatever i feel like saying. I am able to disagree, or agree, with certain people, and not be ridiculed, or thrown in jail. Im not the smartest person alive, nor do i try to be. I live my life as i want, because i CAN. If i feel there is a problem, i alter my life as much as i can to satisfy myself to be happier. For every person who wastes away a day of sadness, self pity, or ungratefulness. You loose a day of happiness. As for me, i choose to be HAPPY with what i have.